Traveling Always Has Something to Teach You!

This Friday, we feature the travel story of TraveLover, Stephanie! Read on to learn about what she learned through travel. Hailing from Costa Rica, you'll be inspired by what can happen when you step outside of your comfort zone. 

Woman standing next to elephant in Chiang Mai, Thailand

What inspired you to travel?

10 years ago I traveled abroad for the first time in my life. It was amazing to know different people, learn about cultures, taste delicious food, and have friends from all the globe. So, I promised myself to visit a different part of the world at least once per year. It has been an amazing journey.  So far, I’ve been in 20 countries, on three continents. I can’t choose a country as my favorite because I’ve found something incredible to love in each one, but maybe I could say that Thailand is special because it was my first trip completely alone. (pictured above)

Woman smiling in front of peak of mountain and clouds, in the background, in Torres del Paine, Chile

What is a travel tip you would share with others?
If I could go back in time I’d tell myself: travel more. It doesn’t matter if it’s close or far away, just travel, and open your mind to explore the world, because traveling always has something to teach you.

Bonus Info:

At TraveLoveGo, we honor multilingualism and include Stephanie's story in her first language, below. Traveling teaches us about love and helps us to appreciate different ways of communicating. Thank you Stephanie for your generosity in translating to share with a wider audience. If you'd like to learn more, request to connect with Stephanie on IG: @steflu05 - Read on...

Hace 10 años viajé fuera del país por primera vez. Fue increíble conocer personas diferentes, aprender de culturas, probar comida deliciosa y tener amigos de todas partes del mundo. Por eso, me prometí a mi misma visitar una parte diferente del mundo al menos una vez cada año. Ha sido un viaje extraordinario. Por ahora, he estado en 20 países, en 3 continentes. No puedo escoger un país como mi favorito porque he encontrado algo increíble que amar en cada uno de ellos, pero tal vez diría que Tailandia es especial porque fue mi primer viaje completamente sola.
Si pudiera regresar en el tiempo me diría a mi misma: Viajá más, no importa si es lejos o cerca, solo viajá y abrí tu mente a explorar el mundo, por el viajar tendrá siempre algo que enseñarte.

Woman smiling in picture on Brooklyn Bridge, in Brooklyn, NY

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